08 June 2009

JuST tAlk....

"you may discuss among you for the unit 1 lesson 1" said miss Dila to the class...YeeHA (quite naugthy)..but it just for a few minute as miss Dila need to meet somebody.. most of the students were busy discussing...not about the task given actually...hehehe..but I still read a little bit about the the task..

today actually we learned about the communication skill during treating today , I realized that what the doctors always asked is not just for 'fun'..according to miss Dila, as a doctor we need a good skill when talking with a patient.. the first thing that a doctor must do is a 'small talk'..sounds weird for me...I thought that the conversation between the doctor and the patient must be short...actually, it was more like to greeting the patient..."how is your day today?","how was your trip to London?"and many more that was not too personal or in negative ways...

after the small talk was a chief complaint...patient will tell about their illness and what ever related to their disease...too boring when just write about the factual.. now I rather to tell about the talk session.. as we were look sleepy.. miss Dila asked us to stand up and get in pairs..wooo.. sounds interesting.. then create a conversation between doctor and patient.. but need to be mix around with the boys and the girls...waaaa

we, girls just stayed at the back....but the boys were still looked shy(shy shy cat) to talk with us... they stay in a group..but facing towards the girls trying to chat with us...hehhehe

but the most funny thing today was the word 'phlegm' ...miss Dila asked us to pronounce the most of us said it as 'flegem'...but actually it is sounds as 'flem'..then miss Dila laugh at us...

it shows that how 'don't know ' are we...hehehehe
