01 June 2009

FoR thE 2Nd time..

Not so much to say today..hope so...hehe.. monday is the presentation day..we were prensenting our task that had been given by miss Dila by last week..every one getting nervous as miss Dila ask which group going to present their task do I.. hope that somebody could be the volunteer..supposed to be not me...

Then a brave group that `surrendered` themselves to be the first..huuhu..I felt a little bit reliefed..Su`aidi and his gang chosed a topic regarding to the chinese was an entertaining presentation..they not just presenting their work, they also did a demonstration of tui na massage and tai chi...full of action..

Once again my heart beat rapidly..who`s going to be the next group??..that question always running in my head until for the last group for it is running out of time but still many group that not going to present yet.. miss Dila decided that the rest gonna present by tomorrow ...waahh..for the how much time (cannot remember) I felt reliefed..

So my group (actually it is duo) and others group will be presenting by tomorrow..thus tonight Miela and me, will up grade our power point so that it gonna be longer... as miss Dila ask us to do the presentation for 20 minutes only..